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GRIT to reach your Goal

GRIT to reach your Goal

  Artikel kami sebelumnya membahas tentang pentingnya menciptakan visi untuk perusahaan dan 5 langkah dalam mencapainya. Masih ingat? Pilih visi dan gol yang memotivasi Anda Gunakan SMART goal (Spesifik, Mudah diukur, Akan dapat tercapai, Relevan dan Terbatas...

Making the Right Decisions

Making the Right Decisions

“A man who does things makes many mistakes, but never makes the biggest mistake of all — doing nothing.” - Benjamin Franklin   Decisions are part of life; some are big, some are small. Quality decisions are reached by using experience, judgement, analysis of...

To Do or Not to Do – The Art of Prioritizing

To Do or Not to Do – The Art of Prioritizing

“A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.” - Charles Darwin   Effective prioritization is an essential part of being able to work and manage efficiently. When we begin each day, most of us have a clear idea of what we aim to...

Case Studies of Excellence Customer Focus Exemplars

Case Studies of Excellence Customer Focus Exemplars

“The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.” - Henry Ford In a free enterprise system, all business is customer-driven. Those who best...

The most important communication skills is listening

The most important communication skills is listening

“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” -Ralph Nichols Listening is the art of hearing what someone is saying. It is the skill of interpreting the meaning in what you...

Companies Values, is a MUST!

Companies Values, is a MUST!

Lebih dari 20 tahun saya bergelut di dunia training dan mengajar ratusan perusahaan dari berbagai industri. Saya menyadari tentang apa yang membedakan antara perusahaan yang sehat, baik, sukses dengan yang tidak. Salah satu faktor utama yang membuat berbeda adalah...

How Strategy Will Transform Your Business

How Strategy Will Transform Your Business

Strategy is one of the most overused buzzwords in the business vocabulary. So what is its essence in today’s competitive, fast-changing environment? Bruce Henderson, the founder of the Boston Consulting Group, coined this definition: “All competitors who persist over...



With a new year, we often set ourselves and our company a new resolution—wishes that you can change the present. However, after a couple of months, we quickly forgot about it. It is important to know why you are aiming for these goals, and that is why vision is a very...

Set a Clear & Inspiring Vision

Set a Clear & Inspiring Vision

Having a vision, mission and strategy is a must for an organization, where essentially they are the “where, what and how” to work toward to. If you want to succeed, you must have vision in your business. Vision and strategies are the links to the future and creating a...

Strive for Excellence

Strive for Excellence

Semua orang butuh pekerjaan. Setelah mendapatkan pekerjaan, biasanya kita merasa senang bekerja. Namun semangat kerja itu bisa bertahan berapa lama? Titel kita hanyalah paspor kita untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan pertama, setelah itu apa yang bisa membuat diri kita bisa...

Leading People effectively

Leading People effectively

Apa Yang Menjadikan Seseorang Pemimpin Yang Hebat? Leadership atau kepemimpinan memiliki banyak aspek, dan walaupun tidak ada formula jitu untuk membentuk seorang pemimpin yang luar biasa, kita sepakat bahwa salah satu aspek terpenting bagi seorang pemimpin adalah...

Kompetensi Pemimpin Global

Kompetensi Pemimpin Global

Mengapa ada manager/professional yang mampu menciptakan karir yang menonjol dan mampu menyakinkan pimpinannya bahwa dia adalah seorang manager yang berkompetensi bekerja dengan cerdas dan mantap serta bisa dibayar mahal.  Sebenarnya, gerakan berbasis kompetnesi sudah...



Sering kali saat bertemu dengan calon klien yang perusahaannya tidak pernah fokus dalam pengembangan karyawan, mereka menanyakan apa manfaat dari pelatihan.  Training itu memang mahal, apalagi bila Return on Investment nya belum jelas [belum pernah di hitung]. Di sisi...



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