by Susanna Hartawan | Jan 11, 2017 | Culture, Employee Engagement, HR Strategy, Leadership, Vision Mission Values
Dalam diskusi apa yang mendorong kesuksesan Kepemimpinan di dunia ini, muncul dua istilah besar dalam gaya leadership yang sering dibicarakan. Yang pertama adalah Transactional Leaders dan yang kedua adalah Transformational Leaders. Jadi apa beda ke 2 hal tersebut?...
by nbogroupid | Dec 29, 2016 | HR Strategy, Leadership, Personal Development, Vision Mission Values
With a new year, we often set ourselves and our company a new resolution—wishes that you can change the present. However, after a couple of months, we quickly forgot about it. It is important to know why you are aiming for these goals, and that is why vision is a very...
by Oky Andrianto | Dec 1, 2016 | Leadership, Vision Mission Values
Having a vision, mission and strategy is a must for an organization, where essentially they are the “where, what and how” to work toward to. If you want to succeed, you must have vision in your business. Vision and strategies are the links to the future and creating a...