by NBOGroup Indonesia | Feb 26, 2025 | Creativity & Innovation, Problem Solving, Trendwaves
Pernahkah Anda mengikuti sesi brainstorming yang justru terasa buntu atau didominasi oleh beberapa orang saja? Jika iya, mungkin saatnya mencoba metode Brainwriting 6-3-5—sebuah teknik sederhana namun sangat efektif untuk menghasilkan banyak ide dalam waktu singkat....
by NBOGroup Indonesia | Sep 11, 2023 | Change Management, Communication, Creativity & Innovation, Culture, HR Strategy, Leadership, Learning & Development, Talent Management
As the workplace is changing, it’s no secret that the demands of skills in the workplace are evolving. Josh Bersin believes that the skills of the future are not technical, they’re behavioral. He addresses these skills as “power skills.” Understanding these skills...
by Oky Andrianto | Dec 13, 2020 | Change Management, Communication, Creativity & Innovation, Learning & Development
“Innovation begins with creative ideas”. Begitu kata Teresa Amabile, seorang Profesor ternama dari Harvard Business School. Kreativitas dan inovasi adalah dua faktor terpenting di masa pandemi saat ini; faktor yang akan sangat melancarkan transisi dari The New Normal...