How Strategy Will Transform Your Business

How Strategy Will Transform Your Business

Strategy is one of the most overused buzzwords in the business vocabulary. So what is its essence in today’s competitive, fast-changing environment? Bruce Henderson, the founder of the Boston Consulting Group, coined this definition: “All competitors who persist over...


With a new year, we often set ourselves and our company a new resolution—wishes that you can change the present. However, after a couple of months, we quickly forgot about it. It is important to know why you are aiming for these goals, and that is why vision is a very...


Sering kali saat bertemu dengan calon klien yang perusahaannya tidak pernah fokus dalam pengembangan karyawan, mereka menanyakan apa manfaat dari pelatihan.  Training itu memang mahal, apalagi bila Return on Investment nya belum jelas [belum pernah di hitung]. Di sisi...

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